Who We are

About the Alliance

Sanitation involves more than just toilets; it includes the collection, transportation, treatment, and reuse of human waste. In India, on-site sanitation systems present unique challenges that FSSM solves for and offers scalability while being tailored to local needs, focusing on safe containment, conveyance, treatment, and disposal/reuse of faecal waste.

Now, more than ever, the need for inclusive and climate resilient sanitation solutions is at an all time high. The Alliance prioritises inclusion and equity, empowering vulnerable communities to access high-quality sanitation and participate in decision-making and service delivery.

To address India's diverse sanitation challenges and needs, the Alliance promotes innovative, inclusive, and resilient sanitation solutions. Our vision is an India where all 7900+ cities and towns manage human waste safely, inclusively, and sustainably. Our mission is to create an environment for safe, sustainable, climate-resilient, and inclusive sanitation through knowledge, partnerships, and innovation.

The NFSSM Alliance journey

The National Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (NFSSM) Alliance was formed in 2016 to address the need for collaborative action and a unified voice to influence national and state policies on FSSM. Supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Alliance envisions that by 2030, all 7900+ Indian cities will safely manage human waste.

Bringing together over 35 diverse organizations, including NGOs, CSOs, academic institutions, and think tanks, the Alliance focuses on a few critical areas: Institutionalisation of Inclusive Sanitation, Urban Expansion of Sanitation Service Delivery, and Innovation & Technology in Sanitation. The Alliance is governed by a Steering Committee, which provides strategic direction and sets priorities for the group. Dasra, serving as the Secretariat, strengthens the Alliance's institutional structures, fosters collaboration among partners, and facilitates government engagement to influence policies. The Alliance also leads knowledge curation and insight-sharing, enabling cross-learning among sector experts, governments, and other stakeholders.

Over the past eight years, the Alliance has significantly advanced India's urban sanitation sector, championing inclusive, safe, and equitable sanitation approaches like faecal sludge management, spotlighting sanitation worker efforts, and centering climate resilience, ensuring human health, dignity, and the health of urban ecosystems.

From Idea to Action

An India where all 7900+ cities and towns manage human waste inclusively, equitably, and sustainably through collaborative efforts fostering safe, resilient, and innovative sanitation solutions.

Our Aspiration and Goals


Embed the principles of inclusive sanitation into policies, regulations, and national, state, and local priorities to ensure the inclusion of vulnerable communities.


Expand and maintain comprehensive approaches across the sanitation value chain to meet the needs of cities and states, fostering an environment conducive to circularity and reuse.


Promote system innovations and technological advancements through the establishment of standards, guidelines, and strategic knowledge to ensure efficient and effective access to safe sanitation for all.


The NFSSM Alliance, formed in 2016, is a coalition of 35+ organizations driving innovation, inclusivity, and equity in Urban Sanitation across India.

Improper sanitation disproportionately affects vulnerable communities, such as women, gender minorities, urban poor, and persons with disabilities. The NFSSM Alliance ensures these groups have access to quality sanitation and play central roles in decision-making.

The NFSSM Alliance fosters innovative, inclusive, and resilient sanitation solutions tailored to local contexts. This approach addresses urban India's diverse challenges and enhances disaster resilience.

Vision: All 7900+ Indian cities and towns manage waste safely, inclusively, and sustainably.
Mission: Foster an environment for safe, sustainable, climate-resilient, and inclusive sanitation through knowledge, partnerships, and innovation.

The NFSSM Alliance collaborates with partners in 19+ states to promote inclusive sanitation. It drives consensus and action at national, state, and city levels, emphasizing circularity and reusability in waste management.